© Manuel Wagner


Musical after the fragment by Georg Büchner

Songs and lyrics by Tom Waits & Kathleen Brennan
Concept by Robert Wilson
Libretto by Ann-Christin Rommen & Wolfgang Wiens

Woyzeck is in love with Marie, but he doesn’t have a lot to offer. To make a little bit of money, he takes every job he can get. He agrees to be subjected to medical experiments and becomes a pawn in the hands of those in power.

His deteriorates, both physically and psychologically, his only anchor is his love for Marie. But she is more interested in the Drum Major, who might facilitate her rise in society and provide a life devoid of worries. Woyzeck loses hope in justice. Tortured, humiliated, and rejected by society, he succumbs to the little voices in his head that order him to kill Marie.

Georg Büchner's fragment of social criticism examines the toil of existence itself and the abysmal depths of humanity. Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan have joined director Robert Wilson to turn Büchner’s work into a creepy-cosy musical that dives deep into the characters’ souls.

1 Stunden 30 Minuten

keine Pause

Age recommendation
14 or older / 9th grade

Mit Einführung
Fri, 28/03/2025
07.00 pm
07.00 pm | Reithalle
Thu, 23/01/2025
07.00 pm
Theater am Ring
07.00 pm | Theater am Ring
Mit Einführung
Thu, 30/01/2025
07.00 pm
07.00 pm | Stadttheater

"How such a heavy story can be turned into a much acclaimed season-opener could be seen at Badische Landesbühne in Bruchsal."

Andreas Jüttner / Badische Neueste Nachrichten


"Nadine Pape doesn't portrait a female Woyzeck, but a brutalised human being. Her Woyzeck is a helpless, patien sufferer, pushed around by the world, pulverised by the millstones of sadistic power (Stefan Holm as overbearing Captain), by mindless testosterone (Lukas Maria Redemann as aggressive Drum major), and by egoistic pursuit of success (Cornelia Heilmann as experimentation-obsessed Doctor). His party-loving friend Andres (Thilo Langer with a wild dance performance) is of no help."

Andreas Jüttner / Badische Neueste Nachrichten


The ensemble's sprit, which has always been a strenght of Badische Landesbühne, is stronger than ever. The actors courageously dive into their roles to bring out everything that could be imagined or felt.

Not only was there enthusiastic applause for the extraordinary performance of the six actors and four musicians after the 90 breathtaking minutes, frenetic and spontaneous applause erupted all throughout the show.

Leonore Welzin / Heilbronner Stimme


Pape excels in portraying Woyzeck's different emotions and his ever increasing insanity. And her colleagues are not holding back either.

Nadine Schmid / Fränkische Nachrichten


... the depiction of violence was reduced to the max, which made it all the more brutal ... it was impossible to look away.

Alissa de Robillard / RNZ


Oliver Taupp leads the small combo, which is versed in many styles. Some songs even have their own, short and breezy choreographies (Nigel Watson), the whole production is the opposite of static.

Angela Reinhardt / musicals


The band, led by Oliver Taupp, expertly hits the Waits-sound - the sound that gets under your skin and more than close to the bone.

Helene Mayerhofer / Fürther Nachrichten


What impresses the most is lead actress Nadine Pape, accomapnied by an equally fantastic ensemble.

Helene Mayerhofer / Fürther Nachrichten



Director: Wolf E. Rahlfs

Musical director: Oliver Taupp

Choreography: Nigel Watson

Stage & costume design: Franziska Smolarek

Video: Tommi Brem

Lighting design: Tilo Schwarz

Musicians: Mario Fadani, Jutta Fischer, Sebastian Nagler, Holger Nesweda, Dirik Schilgen, Oliver Taupp

Franz Woyzeck: Nadine Pape

Marie: Madeline Hartig

Hauptmann: Stefan Holm

Doctor/Margreth: Cornelia Heilmann

Drum Major: Lukas Maria Redemann

Andres: Thilo Langer