A play about the dying of a rich man after Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Jeder*mann hat alles, was ein glückliches Leben ausmacht: Geld, Macht, Zeit, jeden Tag Party. Da klopft der Tod an die Tür. Was bleibt Jeder*mann jetzt noch? Wer steht ihm bei in seinen letzten Stunden? Weder Buhlschaft, Mammon, Freunde noch Angestellte wollen helfen. Jeder*mann erkennt die Eitelkeit seines Lebens.
Hugo von Hofmannsthal stellt in seinem Mysterienspiel die Frage nach Sinnverlust und Hoffnungslosigkeit in einem Leben, das sich nur an Wachstum, Wohlstand, Zerstreuung orientiert. Mit altertümlicher Form und Sprache wollte er das Theater erneuern. Und erschuf einen Klassiker, der nicht nur in Salzburg jeden Sommer der High Society den Spiegel vorhält.
1949 spielte die Badische Landesbühne als allererste Premiere Jedermann. Das 75-jährige Jubiläum nehmen wir 2024 zum Anlass, Hofmannsthals Stück mit heutigen Theatermitteln zu befragen. Ob auch heute noch die Chance auf Einsicht besteht? Oder fliehen die Reichen vor dem Tod einfach auf den Mars?
1 Stunden 10 Minuten
keine Pause
Age recommendation
14 and older
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Director: Wolf E. Rahlfs
Stage and costumes: Franziska Smolarek
Music: Ulrich Hartmann
Video: Tommi Brem
Jedermann: Ole Xylander
Amour, mother, death, devil, and other allegoric figures: Alice Katharina Schmidt
Good fellow, God: Ulrich Hartmann
Already at 50% capacity!
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Tickets are available from "i-punkt" Rathaus, Stadtbücherei, DERPART Reisebüro Pflüger.
Tickets are available from Mila Schreibwaren - Bürobedarf - Geschenke
Tickets are available from Rathaus Mudau.
Tickets are available from Tourist-Info Buchen.
Tickets are available from Tourist- und Freizeitinformation at the Rathaus.
Tickets are available from Buchhandlung Holl & Knoll.
Tickets are available from Gäste-Information.
Tickets are available from Kultur- und Tourismusinformation.
Tickets are available from Bürgerbüro.
Tickets are available from 1 September 2024.
Tickets are available from Stadtverwaltung.
Tickets are available from Buchhandlung
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Tickets are available from Touristinformation Sinsheim.
Tickets are available from Tourist-Info Bretten.
Ticket information can be found here.
Tickets are available from bookstore Schwarz auf Weiss.
Tickets are available from Touristinformation Mosbach.
Tickets are available from Tourist-Info at the Rathaus.
Jeder*mann is an absolute cultural must for everyone.
Thomas Rapp / Gästebuch
What an outstanding achievement in terms of production, acting, and music. You have to watch it, it's worth it!
Publikumsstimme aus Bruchsal / Facebook
An amazing production, amazing actors, amazing BLB!
Cornelia Petzold-Schick / Gästebuch
All I can say is WOW! Jedermann as a production for 2 actors and a great musician, who also served as a third actor, one would think it impossible - but it worked extremnely well. Everyone was excited - me included.
KHM / Facebook
What a blast! I have laughd so hard – about Jedermann, no less. A brilliant production, amazing performance, awesome stage design – even the props were funny as heck. Thank you for a great evening!
Publikumsstimme aus Bruchsal / Instagram
I will have to come back, once just isn't enough (...) I have 1000 questions on how this is even possible. What Alice, Ole, and Ulrich accomplish is unbelievable.
Publikumsstimme aus Bruchsal / Instagram
Theatre director produced the "the play of the rich man's death" as a "Sprechoper" with live music, puppetry and well placed irony. The audience of the sold-out premiere was enthusiastic, applauded for scenes, gave standing ovations and clapped along to the rap version of "Ein Lied geht aus, wo eingeht Wein" (lit. "a song comes out where wine goes in").
Sibylle Orgeldinger / Bruchsaler Rundschau
A tremendous, bombastic play and musical spectactle! Thanks a million!
Publikumsstimme aus Buchen / Gästebuch
A highly intelligent, inspiring production of this work. BRAVO!
Absolutely phantastic and far above bush-league!
Gutsy, very gutsy! To pull this bulky material so close to today's times ... thank you.
Thank you for a fantastic evening, Salzburg can pack up and go home!
Magnificent performance art! This was the most impressive production I witnessed as a subrscriber.
The God of music was ecstasising!
Your performance puts the sparkle back into the stalest of bubblies.
Just watched for the second time – and now I like it even more.