Haydi! Heimat!
© Manuel Wagner

Haydi! Heimat!

A play about what home is by von Katja Hensel

Kemal's teacher said to bring an object to school, that represents what 'Heimat' is. The football jersey, says his father. Heidi, her favourite children's book from Turkey, says his grandmother. Kemal has no idea what to bring. Then Ella enters his room, the new girls from the 10th floor. She doesn't know what home is, either. She and her mother are continuously on the move.

Ella and Kemal decide to invent their own definition of what home is. They climb the stairs all the up in the high-rise, as summiteers with grandma's children's book, which they playfully interprete in all sorts of new ways.

An imaginative story about green alpine pastures and grey stairways begins. Until Ella's mother announces that they will move out soon. Kemal is furious and rips apart Heidi in his anger.

Inspired by the Johanna Spyri classic, Katja Hensel humoroulsy explores different interpretations of 'Heimat'. Because Ella and Kemal are creating their own in imaginative play and wholehearted togetherness. 'Haydi! – Let's go!'


Memleket nedir? Kemal'in ödevi, memleketine ait bir şeyi okula getirmektir. "Futbol forması," der babası. Büyükanne ise Türkiye'den en sevdiği çocuk kitabı olan Heidi'yi önerir. Ancak Kemal'in aklına hiçbir şey gelmez. Odasında Ella var, 10. kattaki yeni kız. "Memleket" kavramı ona da yabancıdır; sürekli annesiyle taşınıp durmaktadır. Ama Ella ve Kemal birlikte kendi "Memleket" duygularını yaratırlar. Heidi'nin yemyeşil çayırları, kasvetli beton blokların arasında canlanır.

1 Stunden 15 Minuten

keine Pause

Age recommendation
ab 8 Jahren

Für diese Produktion gibt es Vorstellungen speziell für Schulen (siehe Termine).

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Türkischen Elternverein Bruchsal e. V.


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Inszenierung: Jan Käfer

Ausstattung: Imke Paulick

Kemal: Douglas Morgan Brown

Ella: Kim Vanessa Földing

Kemals Vater / Karl: Abed Haddad

Kemals Großmutter / Ellas Mutter / Leyla: Michaela Finkbeiner

Sun, 19/01/2025
03.00 pm
theater treppab
03.00 pm | theater treppab

Due to illness, this performance has been cancelled.

Wed, 22/01/2025
11.00 am
Haus der offenen Tür
11.00 am | Haus der offenen Tür
School performance

Dieser Termin wird krankheitsbedingt verschoben.

Sun, 26/01/2025
03.00 pm
theater treppab
03.00 pm | theater treppab
Sold out

Kurzfristig freiwerdende Karten sind eventuell an der Kasse erhältlich.

Mon, 27/01/2025
02.00 pm
theater treppab
02.00 pm | theater treppab
School performance
Thu, 06/02/2025
11.00 am
theater treppab
11.00 am | theater treppab
School performance
Fri, 07/02/2025
11.00 am
11.00 am | Stadthalle
School performance
Mon, 10/02/2025
11.00 am
theater treppab
11.00 am | theater treppab
School performance
Mon, 17/02/2025
11.00 am
Bad Friedrichshall
11.00 am | Otto-Klenert-Schule
School performance
Thu, 20/02/2025
11.00 am
Alte Mälzerei
11.00 am | Alte Mälzerei
School performance
Tue, 11/03/2025
10.45 am
Aula Alte Steige
10.45 am | Aula Alte Steige
School performance
Sun, 16/03/2025
03.00 pm
theater treppab
03.00 pm | theater treppab
Tue, 18/03/2025
10.00 am
10.00 am | Parktheater
School performance
Thu, 20/03/2025
11.00 am
Bad Rappenau
11.00 am | Kurhaus
School performance
Sun, 13/04/2025
03.00 pm
theater treppab
03.00 pm | theater treppab