Die Niere
Die Niere
© Manuel Wagner

Die Niere

Romantic comendy by Stefan Vögel

Selected performances will be translated by German Sign Language interpreters.

Architect Arnold has scored his biggest job ever: He gets to build the Diamond-Tower in Paris. If that isn’t a cause for celebration. But just before the befriended couple Diana and Götz show up for a joint dinner, Kathrin, Arnold’s wife drops a bombshell: She was diagnosed with renal failure and needs a new liver! Arnold has the same blood-type, se could donate one of his. Arnold doesn’t know how to handle even the thought of it.

Götz on the other hand offers one of his livers immediately. Which his wife Diana finds very suspicious. And thus, the liver issue becomes a relationship issue. Suddenly it’s a matter of: Darling, how much do you love me? And how much are you willing to sacrifice for me?

Stefan Vögel is regarded as one of the successful contemporary comedy writers in German-speaking countries. The often-performed play will have you in stitches.

1 Stunden 00 Minuten

keine Pause

Age recommendation
14 or older

Logos des Landesverbands der Gehörlosen Baden-Württemberg und der Dolmetschervermittlung für Gebärdensprache Baden-Württemberg

Thu, 23/01/2025
08.00 pm
08.00 pm | FILharmonie

When the performance ends but the frenetic applause won't stop, and the ensemble is called back on stage eight times to take a bow, then something extraordinary must have happened.

Thomas Huber / Badische Neueste Nachrichten


All four actors deliver the highest quality, performing with such conviction, dedication, and joy that are vital ingredients for the audience to experience a brilliant night at the theatre.

Thomas Huber / Badische Neueste Nachrichten


After a long-lasting applause, the audience went home well entertained, probably starting a conversation with their partners right away: Would you give me one of your kidneys?

Nadine Schmid / Fränkische Nachrichten



Director: Fabian Alder

Stage & costume design: Lucia Becker

Kathrin: Evelyn Nagel

Arnold, architect, her husband: Markus Hennes

Diana, pharmacist: Alice Katharina Schmidt

Götz, Dianas husband: Martin Behlert