Die Eisbärin
© Dirk Rückschloß – pixore photography

Die Eisbärin

Classroom production by Eva Rottmann

YouTube star Die Eisbärin, (polar bear) has come up with something special: the ultimate back-to-school-prank. You gotta entertain the followers! So, here she is, Mona, in her olf classroom, making a storytime about her life. Who cares if not everything is exactly the truth?

You have to bend reality into the shape you like best, right? That's how that works, that's how you get clicks. A solo about the compulsion to show oneself off, about bullying, and about the loss of one's identity.

0 Stunden 45 Minuten

+ 45 min. Nachgespräch

Age recommendation
10 years and older

Original production by Erzgebirgische Theater- und Orchester GmbH, Annaberg-Buchholz

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Inszenierung: Asia Schreiter

Kostüm: Brigitte Golbs

© Dirk Rückschloß - pixore photography
© Dirk Rückschloß - pixore photography
© Dirk Rückschloß - pixore photography
© Dirk Rückschloß - pixore photography
© Dirk Rückschloß - pixore photography
Tue, 18/02/2025
02.00 pm
02.00 pm | Heisenberg-Gymnasium
Wed, 19/02/2025
11.20 am
Gymnasium St. Paulusheim
11.20 am | Gymnasium St. Paulusheim

Surprise visit: Mona (Michaela Finkbeiner) plays with the students' irritation and takes them for a ride into her world of social media, putting a spotlight on the blurred line between fiction and fact.

Friedrichshaller Rundblick
