The hidden land of the dragons
The hidden land of the dragons
© Badische Landesbühne/JH

The hidden land of the dragons

Adventure story by Alexandre Sax Gomes

On a glowing dragon's back, Julius and Helene are flying to the magic land of dragons. The couragously step into the path of evil Mr Scorpolius, who wants steal all the dragons' glow. In doing so, they discover a secret that had almost been forgotten.

Alexandre Sax Gomez was a young boy from Stutensee and wrote the children's book The hidden land of the dragons. He wrote it to stay in touch with his classmates, as he was unable to attend school regularly due to his brain tumor.

One year ago, Alexandre left this earth. We celebrate him and his work by presenting his imaginative story as lively theatre experience at the Hexagon.

The proceedings of this evening will go to the foundation Alexandre's family is creating.

1 Stunden 00 Minuten

keine Pause

Age recommendation
6 years or older